Logo of Center for Teaching Innovation at Cornell University

2021 – 2022 Year in Review

Rob Vanderlan

Rob Vanderlan

“[A] spirit of bold, persistent experimentation characterized teaching these last couple of years. Keeping that spirit, and learning from those experiments, will focus our work in the year ahead.”

From the Executive Director

This was Year Two of responding to the pandemic, and the CTI continued its focus on providing timely information to faculty as they adjusted to a consistently inconsistent learning environment. Sharing course materials with students in quarantine, pivoting to online final exams for all students, and continually re-socializing what it means to teach and learn at Cornell shaped our work throughout the year. We also strove to transcend the pandemic-driven reactive nature of our work, to again think proactively about how our work should evolve to best meet the needs of the community.

That meant launching a New Faculty Teaching Academy to both accelerate the development of new faculty as teachers and to help them find community and support in their first years at Cornell. It meant working with individual faculty to emphasize how fostering community and connection could create a more inclusive learning environment. On a slightly larger scale, it meant working with academic departments to consider where diversity, equity, and inclusion informed their curriculum.

Most consistently, it meant meeting the myriad challenges of the year (and they were challenging!) with a persistent spirit of innovation and experimentation. During the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt said, “the country needs and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it: If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.” That spirit of bold, persistent experimentation characterized teaching these last couple of years.

For details on some of the work described below, see our full CTI Annual Assessment report.

About Us

Founded in 2017, the Center for Teaching Innovation (CTI) supports Cornell University teaching community members, from teaching assistants and postdoctoral fellows to lecturers and professors, with a full complement of individualized services, programs, institutes, and campus-wide initiatives. We do this through confidential developmental consultations across the academic career span, roles, and disciplines. In addition to instructors, we team with departments, schools and colleges, and related units to create and sustain inclusive, rigorous, and dynamic learning environments. To catalyze academic innovation, our team brings a deep knowledge of educational research on teaching, learning, and technologies, along with a spirit of curiosity and collaboration.


The Center for Teaching Innovation partners with the Cornell teaching community to explore and foster inclusive, evidence-based teaching practices. We facilitate the development of vibrant, challenging, and reflective student-centered learning experiences.

Departmental Goals

CTI’s departmental goals are the framework for our team’s collective action in support of our mission. These goals are perennial and are reaffirmed every five years.

As a department, the CTI...

  • works with instructors to improve the student learning experience.
  • fosters a culture of excellence in teaching and assessment.
  • supports the innovative use of educational technology.
  • designs professional development opportunities for graduate students and postdocs to prepare future faculty.
  • contributes to the fields of faculty development and teaching and learning.
  • employs systematic and transparent planning processes.
  • fosters a positive and cross-functional team environment.
  • practices good stewardship of university resources.

CTI's instructional designer assisting a female Cornell faculty member.

Programming and Services by Departmental Goals

The CTI is dedicated to maintaining a breadth and depth of engagement with faculty and future faculty, in the name of fostering innovative, diverse, and evidence-based learning environments at Cornell.

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Learn more about Programming

and Services by Departmental Goals


Total individual consultations


Participants in CTI programming, including TLDC & Mid-Semester Feedback Program

Goal 1: Improve the Student Learning Experience


Submissions to the Thank-a-Professor Program


Participants in CTI initiatives, including New Faculty Teaching Academy

Goal 2: Promote a Culture of Excellence in Teaching and Assessment

High Angle Shot of Brown Rock Formation

Goal 3: Support the Innovative Use of Educational Technology


Technical support requests resolved


Canvas courses supported

Goal 4: Prepare Future Faculty


Registrants for the International Teaching Assistant Development Program


Total participants in CTI graduate programming

Cornell faculty members participating in a CTI workshop.

Strategic Plan

CTI’s work is grounded in a collaboratively written annual strategic plan. This plan helps inform all stakeholders of our strategic objectives for any given year and guides our ongoing departmental assessment efforts.

Strategic Priorities for 2021-2022

The pandemic turned us all into innovators, requiring our transition to fully remote, then hybrid teaching modalities. These transitions called for us to think critically about our learning environments, our assessment methods, the accessibility of our courses, and the extent to which we could leverage technology and inclusive teaching practices to facilitate student success and well-being. Accordingly, this year’s strategic priorities were Diversity & Inclusion and Innovation.

As colleagues across campus gained capacity and confidence with new approaches to their instructional practice, our department was able to transition from a reactive mode of operation to a more planful approach to thinking about how we offer meaningful support to faculty. How to help faculty consider what pandemic teaching innovations continue to make sense and provide utility, and how to encourage faculty to design learning experiences with all their students in mind will be ongoing challenges for CTI.

Strategic Priorities in Action

Graphic icon – Programming to Support In-Person Teaching with Remote Participants

Programming to Support In-Person Teaching with Remote Participants

Throughout the 2021-2022 academic year, as students transitioned back to campus, the CTI continued to refine its programming to help instructors engage, assess, and connect with their students across modalities.

Graphic icon - New Faculty Teaching Academy

New Faculty Teaching Academy

Designed to bolster a sense of belonging and community among new faculty members, this program gives participants opportunities to design ready-to-use teaching materials, discuss best practices in teaching, receive feedback on their teaching, and develop strategies for inclusive teaching in diverse classrooms.

Graphic icon – Curriculum Mapping for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Curriculum Mapping for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

The CTI developed a consultative service to guide academic programs through a curriculum mapping process, with a specific focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion outcomes. This service was designed to help academic departments diversify their curricula and answer calls for more equitable and antiracist practices and processes.

Graphic icon - Innovation Greenhouse

Innovation Greenhouse

In collaboration with CIT, the CTI took the first steps toward creating an innovation greenhouse where faculty-driven projects that scale beyond individual courses can find resources and support. Initial projects centered on setting up a secure environment for analytical use of Canvas data, and moving Assistant Professor of Information Science Rene Kizilcec’s Course Crafter to a production environment on Cornell’s Class Roster page.

Cornell faculty members participating in a CTI workshop.
Cornell faculty members participating in a CTI workshop.

CTI At-A-Glance

Behind these numbers is the simple but essential story of the CTI's commitment to enhancing the student experience at Cornell. CTI's faculty development programming, resources and support contribute to building innovative, inclusive and evidenced-based learning environments.

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CTI Website Visits


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Participants in Faculty Consultations, Workshops, Events,

& Programs

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Participants in Graduate & Postdoc Courses, Events,

& Programs

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Views of the

Learning Technologies Resource Library

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CTI Graduate Fellows

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Active Learning Initiative Postdoc Fellows

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of evaluation respondents report that engagement

is a good use of

their time.

In the News

Sharing stories of Cornell faculty innovations in the classroom doesn't just celebrate past accomplishments in teaching – it can also be a means of community-building, and a source of inspiration. Learn how faculty are transforming their classrooms and courses – and how the CTI can support faculty in creating vibrant learning environments.

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More news about how CTI supports teaching and learning

Darlene Campbell, senior lecturer in biology, works with students in class.

Reshaping Student Experiences Through New Innovations in Teaching

Cornell Chronicle, 10/20/21

Learn how, with support from the CTI, the 2021-2022 Innovative Teaching & Learning award winners are re-imagining the student learning experience.

Students in SPAN 1230 analyze artwork created by their peers to learn about expressing ideas on social justice.

A faculty micro-grant from the CTI helped students in Continuing Spanish (SPAN 1230) explore controversial topics and express themselves about social justice through art.

Students in MAE 3780 open their circuit kits.

Find out how active learning in Mechatronics (MAE 3780) gave students hands-on experience applying concepts and theory to solve real-world problems.

Teaching Spotlight

Creativity in the classroom takes many forms. CTI's Teaching Spotlight shines a light on innovative teaching practices at Cornell, from fostering inclusive learning environments, incorporating active learning strategies, sharing faculty voices on teaching, and more.

Title image of the video – Durba Ghosh: The importance of movement in the classroom

From Durba Ghosh, learn how movement and physical presence can play a role in shifting student perspectives on their learning.

Video titled – Active & Applied Critical Thinking

Learn how faculty developed a transdiciplinary module, framework for instructors to actively and explicitly teach students critical thinking skills.

Video Titled – Teamwork and Discovery in Field Biology

Scientific research doesn't happen alone . Learn how team-building and collaborative learning helped field biology students build confidence as researchers by conducting field research and learning to read the landscape.

Contributions to the Field

The pandemic profoundly impacted higher education, emphasizing more than ever the importance of sharing ideas and finding community support. Through conference presentations and publications, the CTI encouraged collaborative and inclusive strategies for student learning.

Book cover – Teaching Gradually: Practical Pedagogy for Graduate Students, by Graduate Students

CTI's graduate teaching fellows published "Teaching Gradually: Practical Pedagogy for Graduate Students, by Graduate Students,"

a guide to teaching in higher education for graduate student instructors.

CTI workshop

Specialized Workshops for

the Pandemic and Beyond

snapshot from the zoom meeting of the Conference Presentations & Sub-Forums:  Global MOOC and Online Education Conference

Conference Presentations & Sub-Forums: Global MOOC and Online Education Conference

Rachel Gunderson and Caroline Mrozla-Toscano present on trauma-informed pedagogy

Trauma-Informed Pedagogy

Educause and Online Learning Consortium

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"[My CTI consultant was] incredibly efficient in helping to generate themes in the student responses and identify areas for improvement. The meeting was the perfect length and packaged in a way that has helped us to improve our course in immediate and important ways."

Mid-Semester Feedback Program Participant,

Fall 2021

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Cover image from 2021–2022 CTI Year in Review